A star is born: Southern Fried Supernova

Southern Fried Supernova

Sometimes people look at the South and see a black hole. But this summer I witnessed a star being born right here in Midtown Atlanta: Hypepotamus. Because Hypepotamus is wired for startup collaboration, a supernova of the best of the arts, technology, and startups is heading our way this Fall. Scott Henderson (@scottyhendo) leads the “connected awesomeness” and Atlanta is a better place to live because of Hypepotamus. They aren’t just another incubator, they are a connector of talent and community, stimulating connections.

Fifty years from now we will look up in the Atlanta sky and see a host of new stars. And we will be known for job creation and innovation because we connected the dots. Southern Fried Supernova may just be the community event that pulled together the stars to form new constellations.

If you haven’t heard of the Southern Fried Supernova, you need to find a way to get involved. The Core Reaction is about to start.

I’m in. Are you?